Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dupe of Sigma's Makeup Mat Brush Cleaner

Being a MUA is not an easy task. I've realized that this job takes a lot of patience. I mean A LOT! It's all glitz and glam until I have to wash my brushes.

I got tired of standing on my feet for at least an hour trying to just clean my brushes. Not to mention my hands become wrinkled from having them in water. If I could pay someone to just wash my brushes, I surely would. I wouldn't even think twice about it. And yes it's that serious. 

Therefore, I then began my hunt for an easier way to clean my makeup brushes. I came across the Sigma makeup brush mat and glove cleaner

At first I thought to myself... wow this is a neat tool!  That was until I seen the price The mat or gloves range between $32-39.  Baby bye! I'm cheap, well let me correct myself. I'm frugal with mine. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

I mean no shade to Sigma Beauty, but I found an alternative way.  I went to my local Bed Bath and Beyond and found a kitchen silicone mat that came in various colors. I picked up this gorgeous fuchsia color mat and guess what?  It was only $5.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The ending results were perfect.  Check out my YouTube video for further details. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Signature Lip

What's your signature lip color?

I would have to say that I LIVE for a nude shadow look or just winged liner with a bold lip. 
Perfect example:

If you know me then you know I love a purple lip. It's definitely my signature of choice.  Everyone can rock a bombass.com purple lip. I don't care what you say! There are so many shades to choose from. Like seriously, just find the color your comfortable with and what goes best with your skin tone. 

I went through my lipstick stash and pulled out some of my favorite purple lippies!

You may look at this pic and say "they all look the same" but honey trust me when I say they're NOT.  They each have different undertones and finishes. From glossy, to mattes, and satin finishes. 
I love them all!! 

In this pic I used Colourpop lippie stick in "grind" and topped it off with NYX intense butter gloss in
 "berry strudle". 

Ladies feel free to let me know what's your signature lip color.

Friday, January 23, 2015

New Lippie Alert

This week I had the pleasure of stopping by one of my favorite beauty suppliers. I went there initially to pick up ONE item and then I started to browse the store. (story of my life)

I started chatting with the sales rep and he told me about a new item they just got in. He said when they were in LA for the IMATS event, these lippies sold like hot cakes!


My eyes were automatically drawn to the purple shades. After doing a couple of lip swatches on the back of my hand, I fell in love with the shade "Midnight Purple". 

I'm so in love with this color!  It has some pink undertones in it which I love.  When you first apply the stain it goes on as a liquid and then drys to a matte finish.  You're definitely going to need a moisturizer before the applying these lip stains. I wouldn't recommend this product if you have dry lips. I feel that this can be overly drying. 

On the brighter side you don't have to worry about these lippies bleeding onto your teeth and it doesn't budge! Like seriously, after having lunch I didn't have to touch up my lips. 

I've found that the best way to move this lippie is to apply Olive Oil on a cotton ball (old remedy) or using my Makeup Eraser cloth. 

The La Femme lips stains retails for $9.50 each and can be purchased at Camera Ready Cosmetics. http://camerareadycosmetics.com/

Monday, January 12, 2015

Makeup Monday

Today is Makeup Monday!! 

Can we talk about this for a moment?!!  Seriously, let's talk about the good and bad of makeup trends.
  We have all seen the trends with bad eyebrows.  Anywhere from the McDonald arch brows, cholo brows, and many more.  Prime example: 

Ladies this is an absolute no and hell to the no!  There are so many resources of how to properly fill in your brows. Please let's do away with these dreadful brow trends in 2015. 

Jesus fix it!!!


Now I'm guilty of following some of these horrible makeup trends. Lord knows I've came a long way.

 I was looking through my camera roll of old pictures of my makeup and when I tell you my makeup was horrid, I mean HORRID. Where was my friends at letting me go out like that?! 

I had to do a double take of some of the pics I came across. But hey we all had to start somewhere.  

The pics to the left was April of 2012 and the pic to the right is January 2015. Where was my blending brush? I don't think I wore concealer at that time.  I can go on and on about the pic to the left. EPIC FAIL!

Yes, it's safe to say I came a LONG way :-) 

Disclosure: I am not a professional makeup artist... REPEAT ... I am not a professional makeup artist. However, I love the art of makeup.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lately, in the make up world I've seen a lot of buzz  about the "makeup eraser".  After watching various clips of girls trying the product out, I decided to check it out for myself.  I decided to stopped by my local beauty supplier called Camera Ready Cosmetics to pick one up.  I was a little surprised that this cloth retails for a whopping $19.99!  Yes, you read it right $19.99!!! 


Now I don't know about you, but the hardest thing for me to remove is eyeliner and mascara. Normally I have to wash my face about two or three times just to insure I don't come out looking like a raccoon by the eyes. 

I was ecstatic after using this product for the first time.  I mean this puppy took everything off! I went a step further just to really test the product out.  I took a clean white wash cloth and damped it with water and wiped my face. It was magic I had no reside of foundation, liner, or mascara.  In my opinion this is worth every cent.  Ladies say goodbye to makeup wipe removers!!

Ladies and gents if you would like to try the makeup eraser go to http://great.makeuperaser.com/