Monday, January 12, 2015

Makeup Monday

Today is Makeup Monday!! 

Can we talk about this for a moment?!!  Seriously, let's talk about the good and bad of makeup trends.
  We have all seen the trends with bad eyebrows.  Anywhere from the McDonald arch brows, cholo brows, and many more.  Prime example: 

Ladies this is an absolute no and hell to the no!  There are so many resources of how to properly fill in your brows. Please let's do away with these dreadful brow trends in 2015. 

Jesus fix it!!!


Now I'm guilty of following some of these horrible makeup trends. Lord knows I've came a long way.

 I was looking through my camera roll of old pictures of my makeup and when I tell you my makeup was horrid, I mean HORRID. Where was my friends at letting me go out like that?! 

I had to do a double take of some of the pics I came across. But hey we all had to start somewhere.  

The pics to the left was April of 2012 and the pic to the right is January 2015. Where was my blending brush? I don't think I wore concealer at that time.  I can go on and on about the pic to the left. EPIC FAIL!

Yes, it's safe to say I came a LONG way :-) 

Disclosure: I am not a professional makeup artist... REPEAT ... I am not a professional makeup artist. However, I love the art of makeup.


  1. Would u recommend eyebrow tattooing??

  2. Man, I feel you on the make up journey. I look at old pics and just laugh.
