Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lately, in the make up world I've seen a lot of buzz  about the "makeup eraser".  After watching various clips of girls trying the product out, I decided to check it out for myself.  I decided to stopped by my local beauty supplier called Camera Ready Cosmetics to pick one up.  I was a little surprised that this cloth retails for a whopping $19.99!  Yes, you read it right $19.99!!! 


Now I don't know about you, but the hardest thing for me to remove is eyeliner and mascara. Normally I have to wash my face about two or three times just to insure I don't come out looking like a raccoon by the eyes. 

I was ecstatic after using this product for the first time.  I mean this puppy took everything off! I went a step further just to really test the product out.  I took a clean white wash cloth and damped it with water and wiped my face. It was magic I had no reside of foundation, liner, or mascara.  In my opinion this is worth every cent.  Ladies say goodbye to makeup wipe removers!!

Ladies and gents if you would like to try the makeup eraser go to

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